This website dedicated to Ram Narayanji and Anjana Devi’s life and work has been made possible by the selfless dedication of several individuals and institutions.
First of all, we would like to acknowledge Dina Patel, Director of Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi Cell at Gujarat Vidyapith (Ahmedabad), who has been our mentor at every stage of the project. Her assistance has not only been crucial but in fact, it inspired and motivated us to be able to think of this project from scratch.
We express our immense gratitude to the great scholars that have provided their testimonials on Ram Narayanji for the website — Rajmohan Gandhi, Tara Gandhi Bhattacharjee, Dina Patel, and Urvish Kothari.
We are thankful to a number of persons and organisations in providing key archival texts and letting us display it on the website for its dissemination. Shri Mahendra Singh Khadgawat, Director at Rajasthan State Archives (Bikaner, राजस्थान राज्य अभिलेखागार) has been most crucial and gave valuable suggestions based on his vast experience in this field. Shri Uday Mahajan of Gandhi Research Foundation (Jalgaon) extended all possible help in searching and sending books translated by Ram Narayanji.
Navajivan Prakashan (Ahmedabad) has been extra kind in giving us permission to upload Ram Narayanji’s writings and also letters from the Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi in the public interest. We received fantastic support from Shri A. Annamalai, Director at the National Gandhi Museum (New Delhi), and National Archives of India in securing primary material. The National Gandhi Museum has also been helpful in accessing several photographs related to Mahatma Gandhi. We would also like to acknowledge the assistance of Gujarat Vidyapith in procuring Ram Narayanji’s books.
Prachi India Pvt Ltd. has been most useful, responsive and timely in scanning the material, digitising the same and improving its quality for which we profusely thank Shri Bhanu Tyagi & Shri Aditya Yadav.
Soham Patel and Virat Kothari have been kind and generous in advising us on many aspects of the website, from its design to its text.
This work would not have been completed without the association of Sharik Laliwala in research and content writing. We thank him profusely.
Website’s design, development, and content visualization has been made possible by Mona Snehal Shah of Neev Infotech and her team to whom we are thankful.
We have tried, in good faith, to locate all the publishers of Shri Chaudhary’s books and seek their permission before displaying Shri Chaudhary’s writings on this website. However, in some cases, we were unable to contact some publishers, most likely for they have closed down. If these publishing houses still exist and their details are brought to us, we will happily contact them to ask for copyright permissions.
Arvind Agrawal and Sadhana Rout