Intellectual Property Rights
As this website is an endeavour to preserve and widely publicize material related to Shri Ram Narayan Chaudhari, you may reproduce any content displayed on the site without any permission, subject to terms herein defined. The reproduced material, however, must be appropriately acknowledged (preferably with a hyperlink to this website) and should not be misrepresented with or without any malicious intent.
The permission as mentioned above to copy and reuse this website’s content applies only to the material that is not recognized as copyright of any third party. Content and information provided by third parties other than the trust are identified clearly where it appears. We publish this content as supplied to us and are not responsible for its accuracy.
You must independently seek the consent of the concerned third party to reproduce a material which has been clearly identified as belonging to a third party, the owners of such material/content. No materials may otherwise be copied, modified, published, broadcast or distributed or used without prior written permission of such third party. In case, you still use the content, the responsibility will be yours and we will not be liable for the consequences of your failure to independently seek permission from the concerned third party.
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This web site may contain links to third party sites. Such links have been provided only in good faith. We do not endorse or accept any responsibility for the contents on such websites or their owners. You are advised to take precaution before using such products/services or downloading any content from any third party websites.
Acknowledgement of Copyright Policy
Your use of our website is subject to the terms outlined above. You acknowledge, by accessing this site, that you have read, understood, and accepted these terms related to copyright policy. By using this website, you are accepting the terms. In case you are not agreeable to the terms set forth herein or the Privacy Policy, you should discontinue your use of the website.
Legality and Jurisdiction
The material on the website, in case of third parties, has been sourced, featured and credit, under permission from their respective owners for use on this website. We have tried our best to trace and contact the copyright holders wherever required. In case, if any rights owner has been missed out, please reach out to us via the Contact Us page and we will surely add the due credit.
The terms herein shall be exclusively governed by Indian laws and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New Delhi, India. We reserve the right to amend or update the copyright terms at any time without notice.
This policy was last updated on 1 October 2020.
The copyright policy is subject to change at any time. We recommend you review the privacy policy each time you visit the site.